Episode 53

Sandra and Em share some Why Do They Do That moments and analyze:

  • Why a listener’s INFJ daughter has held tight to her cute dream of the future
  • Why Sandra and Em’s kids are all very different on road trips
  • Why Em’s daughter is having a hard time adjusting to not having to wear her face mask

Click here for full show notes.

Links and references:
Myers-Briggs Basics


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Full show notes: 

Listener Why Do They Do That:

A listener has a 9 year old INFJ who has a plan for her future about traveling around in an RV with cats, despite never having traveled in this way before

  • A great example of Insightful Intuition
  • If your child has fun plans for the future like this, encourage their dreams!
  • Help encourage them to refine their dream to be more realistic by asking them how they might solve one small problem you see with it

Sandra’s Why Do They Do That:

Ryker (prefers Judging) is easy because he zones out on his tablet the entire time and holds his pee like a camel, but hard because he’s inflexible and has a hard time going with the flow

Ripley (prefers Perceiving) because she goes with the flow and is excited by whatever is happening right now, but hard because she has less patience to sit still in a car for long periods of time

Tips for J kid traveling:

Preview the trip with them and set expectations
Give them at least one thing they get to choose to have control over (where to stop for lunch?)

Tips for P kid traveling:

“Plan” (haha) for spontaneous stops and 
Variety of things to do in the car (tablet, podcast stories, coloring, games)

Em shares how June (preference for Judging) has requested that her mom supply a “surprise bag” every hour during their upcoming road trip and also has a detailed list of everything she wants to do during the trip, in contrast with Em who would rather just play things by ear. 

Em’s Why Do They Do That:

Em shares that June (ISFJ) does not want to take her face mask off, with the rules changing that you no longer need to wear a face mask outside in Oregon. Kids with a preference for Sensing and Judging use a function called Preservation Sensing (Introverted Sensing) and have a hard time with change. Sticking to the same rules and routines makes them feels safe.

Tip for kids with this personality type: Find a time in the past where they had to deal with something similar and everything went okay. Em is going to try to remind June of preschool when she didn’t wear a mask but everything was okay. 

Leave a comment: What are your kids like on road trips??

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