Episode 28

Sandra interviews guest Patrice Mason, an ISFJ parent of a one year old who works professionally with type. 

Full show notes: 

Sandra introduces Patrice:

Patrice is a mom of a 16 month old. She is certified in Myers-Briggs type and uses it professionally in her role as a senior organizational development and learning consultant for a nonprofit healthcare provider in the Boston area

Sandra gives a quick overview of the ISFJ type:

ISFJs are warm, considerate and cautious. Generally dedicated and responsible, they often find themselves excelling in roles where they can care for others’ needs in practical ways. They use two main functions:

  • Introverted Sensing – Memory
    • Deal in details, facts and the practical
    • Attuned to the past experiences
    • Most comfortable with routine
  • Extraverted Feeling – Harmony 
    • Make decisions based on what is best for the collective good of others
    • Aware of how others perceive them
    • Like to be in control and have things planned and organized

Patrice shares with us her thoughts from the Sensing perspective on the last two episodes about Sensing vs Intuition in parents:

  • Where Em and I felt that we thrived in classes like literature, Patrice did not enjoy having to find the deeper meaning in books. She preferred classes like history where she could focus on dates and facts 
  • She resonates with the ISJ’s being the types to be quietly in the background taking care of all the practical details of the house
  • She puts an emphasis on her child being able to take care of practical matters, e.g. hers will not be the child at college who doesn’t know how to do his own laundry
  • The day-to-day routine of household duties isn’t stressful for her, it’s only when there is a change in how she needs to do them that she finds herself stressed, like for example, a weekend trip
  • Her first instinct is to go for the conventional, tried-and-true way of doing things, unless there is compelling evidence not to. Sandra talks about her experience with learning to look more at the science behind things, providing homeopathy as an example and recommends the podcast: Oh No Ross and Carrie

Patrice shares with us her experience as an ISFJ parent, including:

  • Why she wanted to be a parent, including her desire to be an adoptive mom
  • The difficulty of the newborn stage when they can’t communicate to you what they need from you
  • Her joy of being mom, especially her child’s affection for her
  • Her desire to fight her own need to keep a schedule in order to feed his curiosity 
  • The difference between she and her P husband who is the “fun” one, while she is the responsible one
  • Her ideal day with her family where there is a good balance between planning but being able to be flexible

Email Call-out: Are you an ISFJ parent? Do you resonate with Patrice’s experience as a parent? Let us know!

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